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What was my thesis?

    Basically, I had to come up with a large project for myself, related to my field of study. This was meant to help showcase my skills, while also being a challenge I had to work through.

    This was a long term project. I was given around 8 months, to complete this thesis. (Fall semester & Spring semester. Sept 2022 to May 2023.)

So what did I do??
   I'm created a 3d model of my character Rel. My plan was to make a functioning character rig of Rel. To then put into a premade game engine to use as a player model, with animations and all!
    Some of my stretch goals were.

  1. Make him able to be imported into
    VR chat as a usable avatar.

  2. Put him into GMod as a usable
    player model.

  3. Make a 3D V-tuber rig with him.

  4. Make a cinematic Rig for him.

These were all only maybes, depending on how much time I have left after my main goal.

Now, What did I actually accomplish?
    I was able to complete my entire goal, with a lot of time to spare. So I had decided to target the stretch goal of putting him into a game called GMod. I had succeeded in that, but with a lot of struggle. (And I mean, a lot... About, 3 weeks worth.) 

Down below are a lot of pictures and videos showcasing my finished model, and my process through the creation of Rel!

Showcase Videos!

Progress shots!

       If you would like to know more in depth info about this project, my timeline, decisions, or just have questions or anything. Feel free to contact me through my email or social media! I love talking about this project! My Email and other socials can be found through my LinkTree!

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